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Entry Khas 2

Entry khas sekali lagi.. Seperti biasa, entry khas saya selalunya ditujukan kepada mereka-mereka yang saya sangat hargai diatas perlakuan + perbuatan & yang sama waktu dengannya terhadap diri ini.. Cewahhhhh!! *ayat nak skema sangat* (_ _!!

Walaupun bufday saya telah lama berlalu, mereka-mereka masih lagi tidak lupa untuk memberikan hadiah *sangat terharu di situ* TERIMA KASIH dari hati yang ikhlas dan suci lagi murni ini.. Hahahaha~ Mereka-mereka adalah rakan sekelas Jerman saya:-

Farah Khan --> thanks for the sweet Poem ^^
Cik Jiha --> thanks for the Crosswords Puzzles ^^
Bazilalala --> thanks for the Toblerone & Toffifee ^^
Nadz ---> thanks for the Choki-Choki ^^

Eh! Eh! Tak lupa juga kepada rakan sesweet segaduh saya, Hajar sebab belanja saya makan hari ini.. Gambar makanan lupa nak tangkap lar.. Hehehe~ TERIMA KASIH *mati kena pukul kalau tak letak nie* =P


P/S : sesapa yang nak saya wat entry khas untuk dia, cepat-cepat lar bagi hadiah.. Hahahah!! =)

Lat Kampung Boy Sebuah Muzikal

Tarikh : 29 March 2011
Tempat : Istana Budaya
Peserta : Ruru, Payed, Farah & kak Ruby

Tumbs up kepada semua pelakon-pelakon teater Lat Kampung Boy Sebuah Muzikal arahan Hans Isaac & Harith Iskander... Terbaik dari ladang!! Siyesly, tak tau bagaimana saya nak ungkapkan betapa gempak + best teater nie.. Hanya orang yang pergi menonton sahaja tahu perasaan ini, kan? Kan? hohoho~ (^_^)/ *riak dapat pergi tengok*

Kehadiran kami pada malam tue memang terbaik sebab Dato' Lat pun datang tengok juga.. Teater Lat Kampung Boy Sebuah Muzikal ini berkisarkan tentang kehidupan sebenar Dato' Lat dulu-dulu.. Walaupun diubahsuai dengan penambahan elemen-elemen muzikal + komedi, ceritanya tetap menarik =)

Siyesly, inilah kali pertama saya senyum selama 2 jam ++ tanpa henti.. Dari awal cerita hinggalah penamatnya.. Sangat sakit muka ini kalau nak senyum dah selepas ini.. Hohoho~ ^^ *bukan nak hiperbola, tapi kisah benar*

Akhirnya Farah Khan dapat menemui idolanya, AWIE secara LIVE.. Bukan sahaja berjumpa, malah dapat autograf & bergambar lagi.. Hohoho~ Tahniah Farah Khan.. Sah sebulan Farah Khan mimpi Awie lepas nie (_ _!!

& saya tak tau macam mana nak ungkapkan juga jutaan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada Payed.. Kalau boleh, pergilah awak ambik pisau & belah dada saya nie. Di hati saya terukir "TERIMA KASIH" *jangan ambil pisau buat betoi-betoi pulak* (_ _!! Tanpa dia, konpem saya tak akan merasai semua benda ini.. *sambil menyapu air mata*

Sebab-sebab saya berasa sangat hepi semalam *hilang stres sekejap*
- 1st time saya menjejakkan kaki di Istana Budaya *ye ker?*
- it was my birthday gift from my bestie, Payed (^_^)
- cerita-cerita muzikal adalah favourite saya sangat-sanagt *nak cari citer muzikal lain pula*
- geram sangat-sangat tengok pelakon-pelakon menari *nak menari jugak*
- tak keluarkan langsung duit beli tiket.. Payed yang bayar.. Hahahaha!! *gelak jahat*

Okay, enough merapu merapan.. Hohoho~ Kenangan ini saya tidak akan lupa sampai bila-bila, insyaALLAH... Thanks kak Ruby sebab belanja nasi lemak MAPLE =).. Hope next tyme boleh tengok teater muzikal lagi.. Sesapa yang nak ajak saya, please roger me okay ^^

P/S : Do what u love, love what u do~ =)

Entry Khas

Okay, entry kali ini saya tujukan khas kepada rOommates A206 KK7 saya Khairul Asri, Safwan & Ridhwan Syafiq (^_^)

Peristiwa semalam memang terbaik ar... Akhirnya dapat juga saya melepaskan diri daripada rancangan nakal korang semua.. Hahahaha~ *gelak jahat* Perghhhhh! Jangan riak, konpem lepas ini akan kena jugak (_ _!!

Siyesly, kalau Saf-One tidak bersikap pelik semalam, konpem saya akan kena... Memang saya tak perasan langsung lepas balik daripada makan tue.. Bila Saf-One macam tue, memang dah agak sesuatu akan terjadi.. Jadi cepat-cepat lar saya membawa diri.. Hehehe~ ^^ *salahkan Saf-One sebab misi anda gagal* Hahahaha~ =)

Yang hampehnya, saya terlupa untuk membawa kunci bilik... Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!! Sakit hati gegiler... 3.45am balik ketuk-ketuk bilik, miscall anda-anda semua berjuta-juta kali, sah semuanya tidur mati.. Huhuhuhu~ Tak tau nak buat apa dah T_T

Tapi penyelamat saya muncul.. Thanks a lot kepada Nishi + Fahrul kerana bagi tumpang tidur kat bilik jap, walaupun saya tau anda pun memang terlibat dua tiga kali.. Huhuhu~ Subuh baru dapat masuk bilik kembali... Sighhhhh~ (_ _!!

Jadi kepada Arie, Saf-One & Ridhwan Syafiq, saya mohon maaf bebanyak kalau rancangan nakal anda semua tak berjaya sempena untuk menyambut bufday saya.. Saya bukan tak nak sambut dengan anda-anda semua, siyesly nak sesangat.. Nanti-nanti kita kuar sama-sama seperti dulu kala & sambut secara baik ok =) Maafkan saya

& one more thing, thanks a lot for the hadiah-hadiah yang sangat tomei-tomei nie.. Macam tahu-tahu jer apa yang saya nak.. Saya sayang anda-anda semua (^_^)/

P/S : maafkan saya atas kekhilafan saya ='( appreciate what u guys tried to do

26 March 2011

hepi bufday to me
hepi bufday to me
hepi bufday to FAKHRUL RURU
hepi bufday to me

Perghhhhh~ tak malu menyanyi untuk diri sendri.. Hahaha~ who cares, right? =) Finally i am already YOUNG 22nd (_ _!! Thanks a lot my dearest God because still give me another year to live life to the fullest...

Orang cakap saya dah tua.. Orang lar yang cakap, bukan saya yek *walaupun saya pon orang jugak* Tapi tak aper, biar umur & angka jer nampak tua, tapi hati tetap maintain muda.. I like~ hehehe~ =)

Wish? Hmmmm... Hanya satu jer yang saya pinta, agar saya masih lagi kuat untuk menjalani sisa-sisa hidup di duniaNya ini, amin...

So, dengan itu, saya MOHD FAKHRURROZI BIN MAT ARIS @ JAMALUDIN dengan ini mengistiharkan saya sudah 22 tahun *perghhhhh~ mengaku jugak* & nak ucapkan jutaan terima kasih tak terhingga kepada MEREKA-MEREKA & ANDA-ANDA yang tidak lupa untuk mengewishkan bufday saya.. Terharu~ *menangis teresak-esak* T_T

Selepas membuat kiraan semua, inilah bilangan bufday wish yang saya dapat sepanjang satu hari from 12am 26/03/2011 until 11.59pm 26/03/2011 *dasyat tak? dasyat tak?*

From FB ---> 66 orang
Message ---> 6 orang
Calling-Calling ---> 6 orang
Face to Face ---> 2 orang

Thanks a lot guys.. U make my life more beautiful

Thanks Payed for the celebration + belanja + hadiah
Thanks my litle sis. Juer for the cupcake
Thanks Dayah for belanja mcD

P/S : nothing special on this day ^^

Berbelon Berudara Berpanas

Tarikh : 20/03/2011
Masa : 8am - 3pm
Tempat : Putrajaya
Ahli : Payed, Farah, Bazilalala, Cik Jiha, Hanim KK7, Fakir IPBA & Tapaq (pakwe Bazilalala)

Perghhhhh! Ceritera sudah seminggu basi, baru nak stori mori.. Hohoho~ Farah Khan pon sudah lama membuat entry pasai ini punya belon besar-besar ^^ Saya? Bila ada mOod nak menaip dan berkongsi, baru lar best mengarang esei =P

Okay... Event nie pon dah lama berlangsung, starting 17 March until 20 March.. Memang time saya pergi nie, dah masuk last day lar.. Hahaha~ Ramai orang? Tak perlu kata apa-apa *macam lirik lagu ape yek?* =D

Walaupun pada mulanya tak terasa nak pergi, tertanya-tanya "tengok belon jer.. best ker?" Tapi bila dah pergi ramai-ramai, memang happening lar.. Sedeynya tak sempat untuk menaiki belon panas gergasi nie *menangis hentak kaki* Dah open just for 300 pengunjung terawal jer, konpem lar kami-kami yang sampai around 9 ++ nie tak dapat lar der.. Mesti dah ada pengunjung yang dah terpacak tyme-tyme subuh (_ _!!

Dengan penuh kepasrahan terutama sekali Farah Khan, kami pun menaik kan semangat dengan menaiki belon jugak.. Cecite~ Cecite~ Belon Tanah & Belon Air.. Hehehe~ Malas nak berceloteh panjang, sila skrol untuk melihat gambar-gambar di bawah sahaja ^^

2 hari sakit bahu kena himpit dengan Payed (_ _!!

Macam-macam lagi lar permainan yang ada, tapi malangnya kami tak main semua.. Hanya banyak berjalan-jalan + bermakan-makan + bergambar-gambar + berpeluh-peluh (_ _!!

Pape pun, ich habe viel Spaß gehabt... Tahun depan jom ramai-ramai terjah lagi belon panas ini *ada lagi ker?* Harap boleh naik belon gergasi tinggi-tinggi ^^

P/S : Pengalaman itu paling berharga dalam hidup ^^

Bufday Boy

23rd March 2011

everything that has happened
i never expected
SOMEONE has fulfilled my dream
U came back suddenly
at 2.15 in the morning we celebrated together
for the 4th times
since we knew each other
thanks to U ^^

Dear Farid,

FRIEND like u a hard to find
when we met i know we were 2 of kind
every moment which we spend together
are ones which i always treasure
so today i want to take this time


"we will be friends
as long as stars twinkle in the sky
as long as angels are there up high
'til oceans run dry
and 'til the day i die"

P/S : thanks a lot to SOMEONE... I am sure u are the one

Wedding Day ^^

Perghhhh!! Sekarang nie memang mOod malas nak update blog.. Hari tue stori mori tak ada, terhegeh-hegeh nak tulis.. Sekarang nie berduyun-duyun stori mori, tapi malas gegiler pulak.. Haishhhh~ manusia~ manusia~

Ok, sudah! Hari nie saya nak big stori mori punya *bukan abang big yek* hehehe~ Cerita tentang hari bahagia keluarga saya iaitu WEDDING MY BELOVED SISTER.. Winkkk~ Winkk~ ^^ Tanggal 13 Mac 2011 adalah detik-detik yang sangat-sangat ditunggu.. Kepulangan saya diiringi oleh my beloved friends Payed + Fahrul + Nishi ^^

Awai-awai pagi lagi dah bersemangat bangun sebab ada tugasan yang perlu dilaksanakan.. Tugasan yang amat-amat penting dan mencabar bagi 4 jejaka kacak ini.. Hahahaha~ 6.30am ++ dah keluar untuk menggantung banting + papan arah.. Lambat keluar, ramai orang pulak nanti, segan~ hehe~ ^^

Selepas bertukang memasang bunga manggar semua, mereka-mereka ini kempunan nasi lemak sOodap Bandaraya Yan ^^... Walaupun di rumah sudah terhidang pulut + ikan masin + kelapa etc, perut mereka masih dapat menyumbat segala benda yang ada.. Hehehe~ =P So singgah lar sebentar di Pekan Pagi, lepaking...

Balik rumah, mandi-manda, makan-makan *erkkk! makan lagi*... Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan doa selamat & kemudian bermulah tugasan masing-masing.. Actually tak ada tugas apa pun sebab ambil catering kan.. So semua telah disediakan oleh mereka-mereka yang ditugaskan.. Jadi relax jer lar.. Hohoho~ Kami-kami yang tiada kerja ini hanya melihat + makan + menunggu + bermain dengan boboi kesayangan.. Hahahah~ ^^

Ramai & meriah jugak lar.. Alhamdulillah, cuaca pada awal majlis memang sangat-sangat baik.. Tunggu menunggu punyalah tunggu, around 2pm datanglah pasangan pengantin yang kacak dan jelita.. Terharu di situ bila melihat my beloved sis... Hohoho~ =')

Norshafina bin Abd Aziz (Sha)

Fadhilah binti Mat Aris (Dila)

mereka-mereka & kekasih Afrina
Nishi - Abang Gemuk

Payed - Abang Hitam

Fahrul - Abang Handsome + Buncit

Akhir-akhir majlis baru lar hujan mencurah-curah ke ladang gandum.. Hohoho~ Pape pun, alhamdulillah.. Majlis berlangsung dengan jayanya, tanpa sebarang cacat cela \(^_^)/ & saya doakan agar my beloved sis. dan my abang ipar bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat, amin...

Terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua-semua yang SUDI hadir memeriahkan majlis.. Kehadiran anda semua amat dihargai oleh kami sekeluarga =).. & kepada 3 orang peneman saya ini (Payed + Fahrul + Nishi) yang SUDI teman saya walaupun nak kena rushing-rushing.. Untuk Payed, anda memang TERBAIK!! Saya sayang awak lebih~ ^^

P/S : hepi beloved bufday also to Aisyah Basri aka Ecah ^^ bless be~

Faye Being “Seriously Considered” For RHOBH


Faye Resnick stirred up drama with Camille Grammer last season on Real Housewives of Bevely Hills when she joined Kyle Richards at Camille’s dinner party. Now, a source tells Hollywood Life. that she has spoken with producers about joining the new season as an official housewife!

“Faye has met with producers and there is a lot of interest from the show’s fans to have her on,” says a source close to the show. “I don’t have word yet on whether she has officially signed on, but I do know that she was being seriously considered.”

Faye is known for testifying against O.J. Simpson in his trial, she was close friends with Nicole Brown. In episode 9 of the first season of RHOBH, Camille called Faye out for using her friend’s murder for fame. A catfight involving Kyle ensued.

A spokesperson for Bravo refused to comment on whether Faye was signing on, saying, “We haven’t announced anything regarding season two yet.”

Credit: Hollywood Life (Lorena O’Neil, Russ Weakland)

The Beverly Hills Housewives Arriving To BOA


Faye Resnick, Kyle Richards and Taylor Armstrong, from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, strolled up to Boa Steakhouse in Beverly Hills for dinner on March 15, 2011.


Happily married: After her dinner at Boa in West Hollywood with her friends last night, Kyle met up with husband Mauricio Umansky for a late night dateHappily married: After her dinner at Boa in West Hollywood with her friends last night, Kyle met up with husband Mauricio Umansky for a late night date

Credit: Zimbio

Photos by PacificCoastNews.com and INF Daily

justin bieber new

Marysol Patton: First Look At Her Aspen Wedding


Yes, Real Housewives of Miami fans, Marysol Patton went through with her Winter Wonderland wedding and Zap2it has the first look at the blushing bride's exclusive wedding photos in Life & Style.

"I was freaking out!" the 44-year-old tells the magazine about planning the wedding in only five days. "But on our wedding day, a sense of peace came over me."

The PR gal, wearing a gown by designer Angel Sanchez, and Frenchman Philippe Pautesta-Herder, 34, eloped in Aspen, Colo. on March 25, 2010. And, the housewife says it was a dream come true.

"We rushed so we wouldn't miss the snow," Marysol says. "I always wanted a winter wedding!"

The housewife had to wait to release the photos until her Bravo show premiered. For more exclusive photos from Marysol's wedding, pick up the current issue of Life & Style!

Credit: Zap2It (Jethro Nededog)

Cat Ommanney Launches New Book Inbox Full


Friday night, Cat Ommanney, one of the Real Housewives of D.C. launched her new book Inbox Full to a packed house at Eden. 

Looking resplendent in an aqua dress, the UK native delighted guests of the event by not only her appearance, but her candor. 

She describes her book as "a cross between Eat, Pray Love and Bridget Jones’ Diary." Sounds iike a ‘must read’ to me. As you might have guessed, the title refers to emails and text messages received throughout her earlier years. 

Credit: The Georgetown Dish (Wendy Gordon)

Kelly Bensimon Talks Bethenny & Cindy Barshop

http://images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/20090407/293.frankel.bensimon.lc.040709.jpgKelly Bensimon didn't exactly miss Bethenny Frankel while filming the new season of the Real Housewives of New York City.

You'd think it was because Bensimon was so over all their catfighting, but no...

"I only filmed with her a couple of times," Bensimon insisted to me earlier today. "I don't know her at all. I met her a couple of times. We create awesome television. But I wish her well. I don't know what else there is to say because I don't know her enough to say anything."

Frankel's replacement, hair removal queen Cindy Barshop, is a completely different story.

"Cindy's a rock star," Kelly gushed. "She really put the Housewives brand out of balance. She used to work at IBM. She's got 10 Completely Bare [hair removal spas] in New York alone. She's in her forties. She's got two unbelievable babies. She has an unbelievable family. She has set the bar so high."

Guess Bensimon really likes her.

"Who doesn't like a girl's girl who has it all, works her butt off and wears Martin Margiela?" she said. "She's hot, she's cool and she's easygoing."

Credit: E! Online (Marc Malkin)

Taylor Armstrong Has Lunch At The Coupa Cafe


Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong and some of her friends were spotted while out for lunch yesterday (March 15) at the Coupa Cafe in Beverly Hills, CA.



Credit: Zimbio

Photos by Photo Agency

RHONJ Cast Members Detained On Vacation


Teresa Giudice, who famously flipped her lid (and a banquet table) on her Real Housewives of New Jersey co-star Danielle Staub in a heated argument about Staub's criminal past, is having some legal troubles of her own, thanks to her husband's participation in a bar fight.

Radar Online reports that Teresa's husband, Joe, was detained by police in the Dominican Republic along with cast mate Caroline's sons, Albie Manzo and Chris Manzo, and the boys' roommate, Gregory Bennett.

After his clan accidentally spilled champagne on fellow bar patrons, a confrontation began, during which Joe Giudice allegedly hit one customer with a glass and beat another. The two men on the receiving end of the beatdown received minor lacerations in addition to one man's arm being fractured and the other man receiving a fractured leg. Chris, Albie and Gregory were allegedly protecting the women in the bar from the fight when they were detained.

A police representative said of the incident, "Usually when there's a fight we take one guy, but this time we took everybody."

While no charges were filed against the involved parties, who came to a verbal agreement, Radar sources say that Teresa and Joe Giudice remained in the Dominican Republic under supervision by their hotel for three days after the rest of their clan flew back to the Garden State.

Credit: Pop Eater (Sarah Crow)

Who's that meant to be? Justin Bieber unveils his Madame Tussauds waxwork... but it looks NOTHING like him

By Sarah Bull

Who's that meant to be? Justin Bieber looks delighted with his waxwork at Madame Tussauds in London, despite the fact the model only bears a slight resemblance to the teen idol

They got his famous 'Bieber bob' haircut right, but that's about it.

When Justin Bieber's waxwork was unveiled at Madame Tussauds in London today, fans were left stunned by just how unrealistic the model was.

But 17-year-old Bieber didn't seem to mind, grinning widely as he posed next to the waxwork alongside his mother Pattie and labelling it 'awesome'.

Spot the difference: Bieber labelled the waxwork 'awesome' and admitted it was funny to see how much he has grown in eight months

He said: 'It’s pretty incredible to see. I’m taller but this was a point in time. It looks awesome, thanks very much.'

The pop star asked his mother to come up on stage, saying to her: 'It [the sculpture] doesn't have any facial hair.'

He then gave the wax work a hug, but refused to kiss it in front of photographers.
He later added: 'I'm just taking him home with me!'

Bieber worked closely with the team who created his waxwork, giving sittings in New York last year. And stylists teamed up with Bieber's personal hair stylist to ensure his once legendary hairstyle was the exact replica of the original cut.

But after turning 17 two weeks ago, the star - much to the dismay of fans - now wears a shorter, more textured cut.

Which one's which? But Bieber's mother Pattie didn't seem to have any trouble differentiating between her son and his waxwork

Your eyes are similar: Pattie picks out the areas the model makers got right during the making of the waxwork

He chopped off his signature swoop last month and it was reported that the pop star lost thousands of followers on Twitter.

However, the hordes of fans who had queued for hours in the hope of catching a glimpse of the teen idol weren't disappointed, belting out earsplitting screams when Bieber took to the stage.

Grace Magraff, 14, from Surrey, squealed: 'I cannot believe I am in the same room as Justin and his figure is amazing. I don’t want to leave; I just want to stay by his figure forever!

'It’s brilliant, just like him. I love it!'

It's widely acknowledged that when a celebrity is given the honour of having a waxwork made, it is a sign that they have 'made it'.

I'm a Belieber! Hordes of fans gathered to see the waxwork of Bieber which was unveiled in New York today

Which one's better? Bieber waxworks were unveiled in London (left), New York and Amsterdam today. While the London and Amsterdam models are exact replicas, the New York model (right) wears an outfit personally donated by Bieber

And Liz Edwards, PR Manager at the London attraction said there had been frequent requests for a Bieber model to be added to the collection of famous faces.

She said: 'The interest in Justin’s figure has been truly phenomenal. We were absolutely inundated with requests from young fans to include him and since we announced that we were indeed making his figure we’ve been besieged by beliebers wanting to know when they can come and see him here.

'We’re sure they will be as pleased with the final results as Justin seems to be today.'

The great escape: Bieber makes a quick dash to his car after signing some autographs for fans outside his London hotel

Where is he? Groups of girls waited eagerly outside the hotel to catch a glimpse of the Never Say Never star

The unveiling was broadcast live for the first time in the museum's history on a special website revealed by Bieber on the Twitter website earlier in the day.

Replicas of the teenager were simultaneously unveiled at Tussauds attractions in Amsterdam and New York.

The London and Amsterdam models are identical but the New York wax work wears an outfit donated by the star.

The sculpture of the singer will join the likes of Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse and Justin Timberlake in the interactive music zone at Madame Tussauds in London.

Justin Bieber - Wax Figure in Museum Madame Tussauds
