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aku sgt2 b'mOody hari nie
feeling yg aku xnk mncul
finally comes out
hohohoho~ =(

it starts when i told my 2 month roomate
my status for the next sem
actually aku rsa brat hati sgt nk gtau
coz byk bnda dh d'rancang
fnally dia pon tpksa dok ngn org lain
don't know apa yg my 2 month roomate tu rsa
but aku rsa bslah sgt2 kot

and then people keep asking me bout the sme thing
but aku xdpt nk jwb
aku mlarikan dri drp mnjawab
aku bpura2 xdgr
smpai crtain people msti fedup ngn aku kn
IF aku jwb
aku akn b'pk sgt2 bnda tue
and make me feel sad
ppe pon i have to
sowie guys...

feeling to cry
when i think bout people
who care bout me here
but i don't have much time
only 2 weeks more
to enjoy and have some fun
and then sayonara =|

mmg btween the 2 places
it's not far2 away
but kdaannya akn b'beza
xakn sma as before
i'm afraid that i'll change
from time to time
i'll forget about this

just counting the day
just counting the hour
just counting the minute
just counting the second
until the day
until the hour
until the minute
until the second


dh 3 mnggu aku mnjadi Pembantu Mahasiswa KK7
(agknya lar)
& msih tnggal krang drp 3 mnggu
utk smpai ke Minggu Haluansiswa 2010/2011
ntah tiada siapa tahu
apa yg bkal mnanti ku di sana

pada waktu ini
pada masa ini
pada jam ini
pada minit ini
pada saat ini
byk bnda tlah mngajar aku
byk prkara tlah blaku
plbgai rgam mnusia dpt ku lihat
dpt mngenali hati msing2
sifat sbnar msing2
smua org dh mnunjukkn rpa sbnar
diri sbnar
hati sbnar

dri ini jga mngkin tdak tlepas
tp cuba utk mngawal sgalanya
tingkah laku
agr msih brada pda thap yg stabil
& aku lebih gemar utk
dri situ aku akn ambl yg postif
prbaiki diri yg msih lemah ini....

mmg mnjadi lumrah alam
mnusia m'pnyai emosi & egonya yg tsndri
tp smua itu boleh d'kwal
klu diri sndri yg brusaha
klu diri sndri yg mahukan
ats niat yg ikhlas
smuanya bgntung kpd DIRI SENDIRI...

& stiap msalah yg blaku
insyaALLAH psti ada jln pnyelesaiannya
duduk, tnangkn diri, b'bncang & b'fikir
jgn tlalu mngikut emosi
mmartabatkan keegoan
shngga mberi kesan -ve yg bpnjangan
& slamat b'amal...

p/s : don't let the emotion control your body...

do nothing...

feel so bored right now
nothing to do
don't have any work
waiting for some things
then can proceed with it...

at the same time
observe all the ragam manusia here
what i can say
some of them are happy
some of them are crazy
some of them are sad
some of them are in stress mood
some of them are pretending
maybe i'm not one of them
who knows