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Starz Of Za'ba 2010

Fuhhhhhhhh~ fnally tmat jua Statz Of Za'ba (SOZ) anjuran JKP Kreatif KK7 UM.. Klgaan ssgt d hati cOz tgas ku as AJK brO tjaan & usher manager slsai sdah... Tp msih lgi byk yg mnunggu d hdpan........ huhu~

SOZ nie bknnya kOnsert arts2 pOn, tp cOmpttiOn nynyian antra kOlej2 kdiaman kt UM nie.. Yg arts spt Haziq AF4 & Fienaz Idola Kecil 2 tue adalah arts jmptan yg bkal wat psmbhan.. Spnjang mjlis mcm2 glgat pserta2 SOZ ada, pOning den dOk tgOk.. Mlas nk cter, biar yg tahu sje tahu.. hehehe~

Ak xtau apa pndngan pnOntOn + ttmu2 yg hdir mlm tu ttg klncran mjlis SOZ.. Bgi kmi, krew2 SOZ mmg mcm2 tjdi kt blkang tkbir tu, hlngan + mslah2 yg dtg.. Smpt lgi tkar tnttif mjlis tyme mjlis tgh blngsung tue.. Haiiiiiiiii~ tbekkkkkkkkkk..!!

Aku ucapkn cOngrate kpd smua pserta2 kolej kdiaman msing2 yg tlbat & jgk kpd pmenang SOZ 2010.. Lgu Perpisahan drp Anuar Zain yg d bwa Oleh pserta KK5 mmg tbekkkk.. Bbloi anda mnang.. cOngrate again.!! =) Pserta KK7 pOn apa krang hbatnyaaa..!! hoho~

Ppe pOn, dat night yg mbuat kn ak hepi sgnung2 lngit adalah dpt tngkap gmbar ngn my paveret singer yg bru brusia 11 thun, yg sgt2 cute like me (aku ada bau2 jles d sini), sOra sgt bsar wlaupOn msih bdak, spOrting.. Spa lgi klu bkn Fienaz frOm Idola Kecil 2.. Love u Fienaz.. Thanks a lOt tO FARID akak PAYED cOz krna dia ak dpt tngkap gmbar ngn Fienaz. Syg kO, Yed.. hohoho~ =)

grab the chance if u have it
lOve this picture
me & Fienaz IK 2

♥ ♥ ♥ my love ♥ ♥ ♥

21hb FEBRUARI 2010

t'pksa mletak gmbar yg ada kak aku
gmbar single my mOm xdak
nyebOk jer akak aku nie

~ALLAH selamatkan kamu~
~ALLAH selamatkan kamu~
~ALLAH selamatkan my mOther~
~ALLAH selamatkan kamu~

Tpat jam 10pm bsmaan 21/2/2010, aku mnelefOn my mOm... Btpa kuatnya krnduan aku thdap bliau. Nie bru 1st tyme aku tpOn sjak bkak sem II.. hohoho~ jhat xaku.?? Inilah aku, mmg jrang ggler nk tpOn umah.. Jgn marah mak, special day anakmu ini xpnah nk lpa.. huhu~

Call2, my mOm angkat.. sgt2 lega dgr suara bliau.. trus aku mngucapkan "SELAMAT HARI LAHIR".. my mOm ktwa & siap bkata aku org ptama yg wish.. See!! Wlaupun aku jrang tpOn, but i still rmember my mOm besday, i still wish bbnding abg2 n akak2 ku yg tiap2 ari tpOn, ada jer kt umah, tp xingt pOn nk wish.. tharu aku mndgrnya.. huhu~

Then aku tnya umur brpa dh nie yek.. my mOm said, "dah 62 dh.. dh nk mati dh".. Bla my mOm ckp pktaan "MATI" tue, aku rsa nk ngis jer, sebak d dada.. Trus mrah my mOm jgn kta gtue dh.. I always pray smOga my mOm pjg umur.. huhu~

Smbang2 mlepaskn rndu lbih kurng 30mnit, pbualan pOn tmat sdah.. Rsa puas dpt bbual dgn bOnda tcinta.. huhu~ wlaupOn xbtntangan mata, suara pOn jdi utk mnusuk kalbu.. huhu~

"smOga my mOm di panjangkan umur, murah rezeki
& dirahmati ALLAH selalu"
"my prays always be with yOu"

mOnkey business

Sgt2 geram thdap mOnkey2 di kOlej ini... Mntang2 hOliday dh nk abis, pkat rmai2 dh blik kOlej mnunjukkan belang msing2..

Pnat2 hari nie aku blik dri practice tarian, msuk2 jer bilik... YA AMPUNNNN..!! Ini kdaan blik aku.....

abis nestum + teh2 rOomate aku

my nips.!! huhuhu~

cian twisties rOomate aku...

maggi cup yg aku bli last week
xsmpat d'jamah.. huhuhu~

gara2 MONKEY BUSINESS.!! Arghhhhhhh!! Skit hati tOi aku... Klu dpt kt aku, aku krat2 bpluh2, lenyek2 smua.!! hohoho~ (jdi devil)

bajet pnat2 nk rehat, tpksa lar aku kmas blik sOrng2.. Hngin satu bdan.!! huhuhu~ sblOm nie xpnh pOn diOrng nk msuk blik aku nie.. Xper2... Aku redha + psrah.. huhuhu~

Pngjran : ttup tngkp slpas nie klu nk kuar dri bilik...


Sjak dua mnjak nie, hati aku rsa sgt xslesa... Aku tak pasti sbb apa utk aku brasa tak slesa.. UncOmfOrtable feeling.. Arghhhhhhh!!! It's suckkk.!! huhuhu~ (t'emO skejap)

adakah krna "the thing"..?? Mybe... or mybe nOt.. mmmmmmmmmm... knapa aku pkirkn sgt psai "the thing" tue.. is there a gOod reasOn..??

cOme On ruru.. pLzZZzZZzzz.!! juz let it gO.. kO kena blajar utk mnerima knytaan yg brada d dpn mta kO.. Jgn kO cuba elakkn + bdalih lgi.. it's make ur feeling mOre wOrst and wOrst and wOrst... huhu~ T_T

dear God,
please help me,
help me gOing thrOugh all this things,
withOut any bad and negative feelings,

Short Pattern Hairstyle for Men

Short Pattern Hairstyle for MenShort Pattern Hairstyle for Men


In the German language, a tough customer is somebody “with hair on the teeth”.

Women.... Who made 'em? God must have been a... genius. Their hair. They say that the hair is everything, you know? Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls, and just wanted to go to sleep forever? ~Bo Goldman, "The Start of an Education," made popular by the movie Scent of a Woman

Mens Curly short hairstyle

Mens Curly short hairstyleMens Curly short hairstyle
Mens Curly short hairstyleMens Curly short hairstyle


If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle. Hillary Clinton

Long on hair, short on brains. French Proverb

Gorgeous hair is the best revenge. Ivana Trump

Mens Medium Hairstyle - Layered Brunette Hairstyle

Mens Medium Layered Brunette Hairstyle
Mens Medium Hairstyle - Layered Brunette HairstyleMens Medium Hairstyle - Layered Brunette Hairstyle


Babies haven't any hair:
Old men's heads are just as bare;
From the cradle to the grave
Lies a haircut and a shave.
~Samuel Goodman Hoffenstein

Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair. ~Sam Ewing

Long Hairstyle for Men - 2010 Hairstyle Ideas

Long hairstyles require a little more daily maintenance than short hairstyles, but taking care of your long hair is highly worthwhile.These hair styles are useful for camouflaging face shape, strong facial features, and adapt well to both casual and formal looks.

Long Hairstyles For Men
Long Hairstyle for Menmens long brunette hairstyles
Long Hairstyle for Menmens long hairstyles
Long Hairstyle for Menmens long hairstyles with cropped sides
Long Hairstyle for MenLong layered Hairstyles For Men
Long Hairstyle for Menlong layered hairstyles for men
Long Hairstyle for Menmens blonde long haircuts
Long Hairstyle for Menmale celebrities long haircuts
Long Hairstyle for Menmens long hairstyles
Long Hairstyle for MenLong Hairstyle for Men - 2010 Hairstyle Ideas


It was a blonde. A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window. ~Raymond Chandler

Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself. ~Hubert de Givenchy, Vogue, July 1985

Short Hairstyles for Men - 2010 hairstyle Ideas

Short hair requires frequent trips to the barbershop in order to keep its shape, but otherwise can be easily managed with a comb for most men, and gel or styling paste if your hair needs a little help staying in place.
Mens Trendy Short Hairstyles
Short Hairstyles for Men - 2010 hairstyle IdeasMens Short Layered Hairstyle
Short Hairstyles for Men - 2010 hairstyle IdeasMens Cool Short Hairstyle
Short Hairstyles for Men - 2010 hairstyle IdeasDavid Beckham Short Spikey Hairstyle
Short Hairstyles for Men - 2010 hairstyle IdeasMens Short Fringe Hairstyle
Short Hairstyles for Men - 2010 hairstyle IdeasShort Hairstyles for Men - 2010 hairstyle Ideas


We grow gray in our spirit long before we grow gray in our hair. Charles Lamb

I'm not offended by all the dumb-blonde jokes because I know that I'm not dumb. I also know I'm not blonde. ~Dolly Parton

Malam Kemuncak 09/10

Dh nk dkt 2 mnggu ia blalu, tp bhangnya msih lgi trasa & bmen2 di ingatan.. Apa..?! MALAM KEBUDAYAAN MELAYU 2009/2010 (MKM) =)

Mlm kmncak sgala mlm bmula pda 4hb Februari 2010, dmna me as ktua bro psmbhan dsrtai lgi oleh MT2 MKM, bro2 len, para pmbntu, para plakOn, pnari2 & kbnykkan bdak2 mlayu KK7 m'cOnduct'kn MKM.. Mmg mlm tue tbaikkkkkkkkk sgtttttttt.. Aku amat lar bpuas ati.. Klu pratus nk bgi, ak bgi arOund 95% lar.. hohoho~

Mjlis mlm tue ak xingt strt kOi brpa cOz ak bz mnyiapkn cOstume pnari2 ulek myng & mke up pra2 plakOn smua (actlly bkn aku yg mke up k).. hehe!! thanks tO siti nurfatihah & kak Ida.. ppe pOn msa ak g blai za'ba, mjls dh strt, tp ttmu undngan khas MKM blOm dtg lgi iaitu Puan Ruminah Sidek.. Ada lar prOb2 skit, mlas nk stOri.. Kang bjela2 lar plak.. hoho~ tp alhmdllah, sblOm psmbhan start, Mak Mah dh dtg.. Xdk lar dia ktnggalan nk tgOk psmbhan.. hehe~ =)

Mjlis mlm tue alhmdllah, bjln dgn lncarnya.. wlaupOn tdpat skit sblOm n smasa mjlis bbrpa hlngan n gngguan.. Tp, alhmdllah, dgn ati yg ckal bjaya d tmpuhi.. hoho!! Ttmu yg hadir mmg rmai ggler lar.. Suka ssgttt.!! thanks alsO tO my friends frOm IPBA yg sdi dtg (Yana, Wanie, Buddy, Ramlan, Pay - yg xsbut tue, sOwie k.. myb xpwsan kOrng ada)

sO, di sini aku mwakili smua MT2 MKM + ktua2 brO MKM ingn mngucapkn jtaan rbuan trima ksih kpd para plakOn, para pnari, pmbntu2 blakang tkbir, bruh2 ksar (bak kata pak lOng) & smua lar yg tlbat scara lngsung mhupun tdak lngsung dlm mnjayakan mjlis Malam Kebudayaan Melayu 2009/2010.. Tnpa jsa2 bntuan kOrng smua, xtau lar per akn jadi.. Thanks a lot frOm bttOm of my heart.. U guys mmg da best.. I LOVE U ALL..!!! =)

~hanya tinggal kenangan~

thanks tO rain

my anak mrid, pnari Ulek Mayang

pnari kuda kepang (kcli bju htam) hehehehe!!! =)

sbhgian brisan plakOn

Short Hairstyles for men

Short Hairstyles for men - Aamir Khan

Since time immemorial it has been a commonplace tradition that men don short hair or baldpates and women grow their hair long. However, in some cultures men have been encouraged to grow their hair for various religious reasons. Take for instance the Red Indians, and in India the Sikhs. In Sikhism, maintaining long hair is one of the premises prescribed in the religion.

There was a time when cutting men’s hair was one of the easiest tasks. There was no technique and training required. And definitely no particular styling preference. It was all about get the hair cut short, and keeping it in shape. But, this simplicity did not last long enough. Whether for better or for worse is not a matter of concern. Though most would say that it is better this way, as men are more conscious of their looks now, than they every were. Today, hairstylists undergo training in short hairstyles for men. They need to learn various techniques of haircutting and styling. In fact, the styles sometimes get complex. This self-awareness amongst men has all the more cropped up because of the boom in media exposure. Today, celebrities are known like never before. Everyone wants to emulate their styles. And so every hairstylist in town needs to know how to achieve the same celebrity hairstyle.

The young college going crowd have a specific demand – punk short hairstyles. However, this is not a popular demand. There are some young men, who are adventures with a wild streak in them. They prefer punk styles and experimentation with vibrant colors. Not only that, some also request for the stubble on their head and something or the other shaved. This could be a name, a particular word, or a shape or object. Then there are the various haircuts for short hair. These are usually tagged after the celebrity, who dons it. For instance, when this popular movie – Dil Chahata Hai released almost everyone wanted to get the look donned by the actors. So it cam to be known as the Dil Chahata Hai look.

For those with wavy hair, the stylists have invented the short choppy haircuts. This makes the hair fall flat on the head. Otherwise, if wavy or curly hair is not cut well, it could just end up looking like a large ball of coarse wool on the head. Today mens short haircuts is considered an art and craft; and this has given hairstylists, hairdressers and barbers their due prestigious place in society.



The great ages of prose are the ages in which men shave. The great ages of poetry are those in which they allow their beards to grow. ~Robert Lynd

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~Kahlil Gibran

I’m a big woman. I need big hair. Aretha Franklin

Bobs Hairstyle and Short Haircuts

mens bob hairstyleBobs Hairstyle and Short Haircuts
womens bob hairstyle

Some styles are here to stay, while others come to go; then there are those that come to stay and get modified with time and constant experimentation. Well, there are other styles that are also known as the eternal or evergreen styles. These are defined as the ones that have universality to them. This implies that no matter whom, it suits the person. And when it comes to hair trends, the most universal of the lot are the bob haircuts.

According to hairdressers long and medium length hair does not suit everyone. In fact, there are many who grow their hair out, but along with it also tend to bring age and maturity to the face. But then, in case it’s a trendy and wild kind of a style then the person would look young even with long hair. Hair flowing on the face makes one look soft and innocent like children, whereas hair combed back brings maturity on the face.

This is why short haircuts for women seem to be in demand. Most spouses and boyfriends prefer their beloved women to maintain long hair. But, once their lady has stepped out and got her hair cut short, the men feel as though they are falling in love all over again.

When it comes to haircuts women very short in height should either go in for the classic bob or then the wavy shag cut. This brings a kind of glamour to their over all personality. And some how short hair brings more height, where their looks are concerned. This may seem strange, but notice short people with long hair, somehow they look tinier than they are. And those with short hair look taller than they actually are. There are numerous haircuts women short styles to choose from and interestingly each year newer styles seem to make their way into the arena, as well as modifications to the classic styles are added to the catalogues. This has actually brought about the possibility of ensuring that every client visiting the salon can walk out with a unique style and cut.

Even though typically the short bob haircuts were traditionally the one level cuts above the ear level, or slightly going slightly below; today there are so many more modifications to medium hairstyles that are constantly added each year. This way people who look best with the bob cut need not maintain the same typical look, but modifications of it in case they are looking for a change of style.

image source men
image source women


It seems no more than right that men should seize time by the forelock, for the rude old fellow, sooner or later, pulls all their hair out. ~George Dennison Prentice, Prenticeana, 1860

What's the matter with you guys? The sight of blonde hair knocks you three rungs down on the evolutionary ladder. ~From the television show Civil Wars

Classic medium Hairstyle for Men

Medium to long layered haircut. The top is cut slightly longer than the sides and back. Here, the hair is brushed neatly back and held with gel for a wet look.
Classic medium Hairstyle for MenMen Classic Medium Hairstyles for Winter 2009
This cut is a variation of the Ivy League. The hair is cut short at the sides and back, while the top is left longer with a bit of texture added. The goal here is to give the head a very lean, masculine shape.
Classic medium Hairstyle for MenClassic medium Hairstyle for Men


Hair brings one's self-image into focus; it is vanity's proving ground. Hair is terribly personal, a tangle of mysterious prejudices. ~Shana Alexander

Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like. ~Author Unknown

Cool Army Style Haircut For Men

High and tight hairstyle usually worn in the military.
Cool Army Style Haircut For MenCool Army Style Haircut For Men
Cool Army Style Haircut For MenHollywood Celebrity Eddie Murphy in army style haircut
Cool Army Style Haircut For MenCool Army Style Haircut For Men


I recorded my hair this morning, tonight I’m watching the highlights.
Jay London

The hair is the richest ornament of women. ~Martin Luther

Buzz Haircut for men - Freddie & David Beckham Hairstyle

A buzz cut is the American name for a type of haircut named after the sound of the electric razor, which is used to shear the hair very closely to the scalp.
freddie buzz hairstyleBuzz Haircut - it is the Perfect Hairstyle for young men
david beckham buzz hairstyleBuzz cut for men Winter 2009
Popular Football star David beckham had buzz cut few instances


If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in the library? Lily Tomlin

I was going to buy a book on hair loss, but the pages kept falling out. Jay London

Angled layered hairstyles for men

Angled layered hairstyles for men
Latest Angled layered hairscut for men
Here are some pictures with angled layered hairstyle. Have hairstyle into layers with shorter ones in back and a longer layer in the front of the hair. Then you can elect to have highlights put through the fringe for extra oomph.


The hairstyles of most Heavy Metal bands are pretty horrendous.
Fred Schneider

I do need a bit of a trim but I'm a bit nervous about getting it cut [on his strange hairstyle]
Andrew Symonds

Hollywood star Shemar Moore buzz haircut with a fade

Hollywood star Shemar Moore has a buzz haircut with a fade. Fade has become the popular term for an aggressively tight taper. Hair at the sides and back is cut as close as possible with clippers and "fades" or tapers up into almost any length on top. This hairstyle is normally razor shaved or clipped with a trimmer up to the area where the taper begins.
Shemar Moore buzz hairstyleCelebrity buzz haircuts - Shemar Moore cool short haircuts
Shemar Moore buzz hairstyleShemar Moore short hairstyle
Shemar Moore buzz hairstyleShemar Moore buzz hairstyle
Shemar Moore buzz hairstyleShemar Moore short hairstyle
Shemar Moore buzz hairstyleShemar Moore buzz hairstyle


Gray hair is a blessing – ask any bald man. AuthorUnknown

A hair in the head is worth two in the brush. Oliver Herford

I’d luv to kiss ya, but I just washed my hair. Bette Davis